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Karen Louis

Married for almost 37 years and in the full time ministry for almost 40 years, John and Karen Louis have been in Asia since 1988 to help start and oversee churches in what’s known in the ICOC as "the SEA Region”: Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand. They have now retired from being salaried in the full-time ministry and have moved to Dallas, Texas. The Louis spend most of their time now helping churches and families become healthy suing their Good Enough Parenting model ( ). John has published many peer reviewed reputable journals on concepts used in their parenting model and schema therapy. He is now an Adjunct Professor with the department of psychology with one of the top private universities in Malaysia and is a clinical supervisor, and registered counselor with the Singapore Association for Counseling. Karen has a Master in Counselling, is a certified Clifton Strengths coach, and a Master Solution Focused Practitioner. They now enjoy their newest grandparent role and are proud of their two children who are disciples and happily married to wonderful spouses.

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